RAYSONIC NDT Services is a pioneer service provider since 2012 in oil and gas industries globally, providing Non-Destructive Testing, Heat Treatment and related services. We also manufacture NDT Flaw Implanted Specimens, various Heat Treatment Control panels and Furnaces.
All our services are carried out to meet the client requirements, specifications and standards by well-qualified personnel having vast experience in this technology. On Time Every Time service influenced by Safety
Non Destructive Testing – NDT can be defined as a technique used in various industries to analyze and evaluate without destructing the material, component or parts.
Ultrasonic testing is technique based on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the object or material tested. In UT applications, very short ultrasonic pulse-waves are transmitted into materials to detect internal flaws or to characterize materials, as well as material thickness and corrosion assessments, ranging from castings, forgings to welds, bonds and composites.
Magnetic particle Inspection is a process for detecting surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials inducing Magnetic fields into it.MPT can be done in casting, forging and welding in both new products and in-service components by wet / dry and florescent methods whichever is applicable. This testing is widely used in both laboratory and on-site applications.
Dye penetrant inspection is used to detect surface breaking discontinuities in both ferrous and non-ferrous by either color contrast or fluorescent techniques and is used onsite and laboratory applications. Dye penetrant testing is based upon capillary action of penetrant applied on the material. DPT is used to detect casting, forging and welding surface defects in new products and on in-service components.
Phased array ultrasonic testing is an advanced and automated NDT method which is used to detect discontinuities. This method is widely used in several industrial sectors, such as construction, pipelines and power generation. Due to the possibility to control parameters such as beam angle and focal distance, this method is very efficient regarding the defect detection and speed of testing. Apart from detecting flaws in components, phased array can also be used for wall thickness measurements in conjunction with corrosion testing.
TOFD has always been the best NDT method to provide information for fracture mechanics and engineering critical analysis (ECA) calculations. TOFD can accurately identify and size defects in GRP laminates of practical construction and thickness. The technique also allows for lay-up verification, as it is possible to identify the individual layers in the laminates. TOFD does not depend on the orientation and surface features of the discontinuity and hence this method is now widely used and has been adopted as one of the essential tools.
UTG can be defined as a Non Destructive technique, to measure the thickness of the material or parts that not required access to both sides of the material or parts.
Hardness Testing can be defined as the resistance to indentation and it is determined by measuring the permanent depth of the indentation.
Heat Treatment - HT can be defined as an operation or combination of operations, involving heating and cooling of metal or alloy, in solid state, to obtain desired properties.
Based on our professional capabilities and quality of service, we have been approved and certified by INDIAN Boiler’s Regulations (IBR) to execute (INSITU) Heat Treatment operations for Boiler and its associated components.
When a part of the component only to be heat treated or When it is not possible to place the entire component in a furnace for heat treatment (because of the size of the fabrication, circumferential welds in a pipework system or when installing equipment on site, for example), then a Local PWHT may be the only option. Local PWHT needs careful planning to ensure that heating and cooling rates are controlled and that an even and correct temperature is achieved.
Local PWHT may be carried out using
Oil Firing is a Heat Treatment method, when we can heat treat the entire component by inducing the fire into/onto the job using diesel burners. We are one of the Pioneers of Oil Firing Heat Treatment in the world and we are so proud sharing this information.
Oil firing is an advanced method of Heat Treatment carried out by us has the following advantages.
We manufacture and supply a variety of Industrial Furnaces at affordable prices. These Industrial Furnaces are used for all heat treatment applications like Pre-heating, Tempering, Hardening, Quenching, Stress Relieving, Annealing, Normalizing and High Temperature Applications up to 1200 C. We are specialized in manufacturing and supplying of HT furnaces, the furnace are designed and developed by qualified engineers having years of experience in this arena.
All the Heat Treatment operations are carried out by well-qualified staff having vast experience in this technology. We have carried out the above methods of HT for many components and items which include pressure vessels, pipes, welds etc., for various industries
We are the manufactures & exporters of NDT Flaw Implanted Specimens, since 2012 to various parts of the GLOBE.
We globally RECRUIT/SUPPLY MANPOWER to the Oil and Gas Field, since 2012.
29-A, Arcot road, Porur,
Chennai - 600116,
Mobile: Direct : +91 9445109635
Admin: +91 7200097903
NDT: +91 7200097901
PWHT: +91 7200097905